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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Venturing Out

I have found in the many cancer-related blogs that I read that when things are going well for people, they blog less. This is my explanation for my blogging absences. Things have been going well.

I have completed the standard 6-rounds of chemotherapy. The post-6-round scans were very positive – tumor shrinkage across the board with the main lung lesion turning into scar tissue, actual bone healing in most bone lesions and the spot in the liver has been determined to be ‘not related’ to the cancer. Additionally, my quarterly brain scan earlier this week proved to be clear. I am off of all pain medication.

KB and I just returned from a 10-day camping/hiking vacation and two weeks before that, we moved to a new (to us) condominium in Oak Park.

I feel good. Basically energetic with only muscular discomfort in the leg where I had the surgery.
It’s enough to make a person optimistic.

Wunder Doc seems really optimistic as well, telling me that my therapy could keep me going successfully for years.

Although I feel a real need to mentally prepare for a possible premature death in order to handle it with grace, I’ll take the optimism.

Hope is a good thing.